excessive use of Mobile phone dangerous

Mobile phones play an important role in our life , nowadays no one can imagine life without a smartphone. All work , business, study and entertainment etc are done on smartphones. But every think  used your smartphone too much is  harmful for health, like cancer. 

The excessive use of smartphones can cause problems to heart, ears and skin too. It can also lead to headache, sleep disturbance, lack of concentration, memory loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ears)

Smartphones emit dangerous rays that affect functionality of body functions.

Another major risk of excess use of a cell phone is ear drum damage. A large percent of ear problems reported are caused by the harmful way people use their mobile device. People listen song in very high volume , a non branded or Chinese phone is not good for listening to songs in high volume ,it decreases or increases your hearing power . Also types of earphones , headphones and earbuds are also responsible for that.

Extensive cell phone usage can also cause damage to the reproductive system. Studies have found that excessive usage can affect the quality of semen in men by reducing viability and sperm count.

Some interesting poster on excessive use of Mobile phone



Eye protect

Side Effects of smartphone

Today's youth are using smartphones  too much. That's why the these reason are produce that affect health of human beings:

Mobile Phone Affects Your Immunity: 

Using a smartphone constant and a  single position for many hours. Leads to increased weight because you do not do any physical activity . Increased weights slow your metabolism and immunity. 

Tips : stand up and walk after ½ hour using a smartphone. That prevents you from increased weights , relief from pain etc other benefits.

Decrease vision :

using smartphones for a long time. Leads to decrease your vision of the eye. Many studies have proven that 90 % of people have weak eyesight due to using smartphones for a long time. 

Increase stress level:

Affects your emotions negatively and increases the stress level

Mobile Phone Safety Tips 

As a parent, you must take preventive measures to minimize  harmful effects of mobile phones. These include:

  • Do not give cell phones if your child is under 16 years. Adult content and violence change your child from a positive to a negative.

  • Do not speak on call while your phone is charging . Many cases come that phone blast during call and charging together.

  • Prevent the eye from blue rays of the phone . Take a break after a few minutes of using the phone . Also don't use the phone at night , it affects you the most and decreases your vision.

  • Don't touch the phone with your mouth . The phone continuously emits radiation and chemicals. You clearly see when you use white back covers it turns yellow, it is due to chemicals.

  • Use good quality earbuds, earphones , headphones set that prevent damage to your ear. Try to minimise your smartphone sound under 70%.

  • Don't sleep to place your smartphone under your pillow. The Smartphone emits electromagnetic waves which leads to mood change or hormone imbalance.

  • All transmitting devices should keep away from your body. Avoid any direct contact with body and keep it inside bag or a pouch if possible. While sleeping, keep your mobile devices away from your bed and switch off mobile data and Wi-Fi options.
  • Cell towers continuously send ping signals to mobile devices to keep track of them whether the UE are still under cell circle. Make sure your cell phone has safe SAR rating by manufacturer.

So next time be careful when you use your cell phones!


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